WHEREAS, the Westwood Neighborhood Council recognizes that the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) provides essential utility services to the City of Los Angeles, including a reliable grid.
WHEREAS, reliability of the power grid is critical to life, health, public safety, and economic advancement of the City and surrounding region.
WHEREAS, electric utility properties and equipment are distributed over a large region and there may be vulnerabilities to this equipment including but not limited to: extraordinary solar flares creating damaging Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) effects, geomagnetic disturbances, nuclear and nonnuclear EMP weapons, physical attacks, cyber attacks, equipment failures, and power overloads.
WHEREAS, it is important that LADWP maintain the historical reliability of the power system and address the power grid vulnerabilities described.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the WWNC wholeheartedly and emphatically supports Councilman Paul Koretz’s Motion to Maintain Historical Reliability of the Power System/Power Grid Vulnerabilities/Department of Water and Power which calls on the LADWP to report to the Energy and Environment Committee within 60 days regarding the vulnerability of our power grid, the costs and feasibility of upgrading and protecting the grid, and other related items. The WWNC urges all other Neighborhood and Community Councils and other stakeholder groups to join in and support this important effort. This WWNC position is to be filed as a Community Impact Statement in Council File Number 14-1960.