Hello WWNC Stakeholders:
As many of you already know, our council (all 19 board seats) is up for election on October 28, 2012. We are in Region 11, and our election coordinator is Tony Wilkinson.
“Contact me if you’d like to run as a Candidate,
volunteer as a Poll Worker,
or vote as a Stakeholder.”
We would like to encourage as many that would like to run for a board seat do this now. There are only 11 more days to apply and be verified as a candidate. If you care about the future of Westwood, and would like to be more involved in your community and the Neighborhood Council’s community-building efforts, then take the time to look into running for an open board seat! We want this election to be about strong, capable, and involved candidates, and all Westwood stakeholders are invited to participate.
Here is the Empower LA Elections page to find out information about running for a board seat, including all forms that you will need to either file on line, or download and fax in. Empower LA will assist you with any questions that you may have or help you with any difficulty that you have in accessing the information.
Please consider running for a seat on our board and becoming intimately involved in your Westwood Community!
With thanks and appreciation,
Your Westwood neighborhood Council Board of Directors